EMDR Intensives vs. Weekly Therapy: What’s the Difference?

EMDR therapy can be a powerful tool for healing, but is weekly therapy the only way? Discover EMDR intensives, an intensive program designed to achieve results in a shorter timeframe.

woman, emdr therapy, colorado

EMDR therapy offers a powerful space for healing, but how you choose to receive it can significantly impact your experience. This blog post dives into the world of EMDR, exploring both the widely used weekly sessions and the more concentrated approach of EMDR intensives. 

We’ll compare the two approaches — in effectiveness, time, cost, and value — so you can make an informed decision about your EMDR journey.


Weekly EMDR therapy offers a structured, yet flexible, approach to healing. Sessions are between 50-90 minutes long.

Through collaboration with your therapist, you’ll identify a specific memory or issue to address. The therapist will then guide you through techniques that stimulate bilateral brain activity, helping your brain reprocess the memory and associated emotions.

This process aims to reduce the emotional intensity of the memory and foster positive self-understanding. EMDR can also be effectively woven into a comprehensive treatment plan alongside talk therapy, somatic therapy, IFS therapy, and other modalities.


EMDR intensives offer a concentrated approach to healing. Unlike the traditional weekly format, intensives involve multiple EMDR sessions packed into a shorter time frame, typically spread over 1-3 days.

These sessions last 2+ hours, allowing for deeper dives into your concerns compared to a single weekly session. The therapist will guide you through the same core EMDR process of bilateral stimulation and memory reprocessing, but with the benefit of focused attention and continuity over a shorter period. 

Other modalities — including talk, somatic, IFS, nature, movement, music, dance, art, and psychedelic therapy — can be incorporated into intensive therapy programs. Intensives are often described as “transformational,” “life-changing,” and “profound” experiences.

Both EMDR intensives and weekly sessions offer distinct advantages, and the best choice depends on your needs and lifestyle. 


Weekly therapy is a great option for a variety of individuals. Here are some specific reasons why it might be ideal for you:

  • Those who thrive on routine: Weekly sessions provide a consistent and predictable structure for your therapeutic journey. This regularity can be grounding and foster a sense of accountability, making it easier to stay committed to your goals.

  • Individuals with complex or ongoing challenges: Weekly therapy allows for in-depth exploration of your concerns, in a gradual and steady way. By meeting regularly across several weeks or months, we can delve into the nuances of your experiences and develop a comprehensive plan for lasting change. 

  • People who need time to process: Weekly therapy, like digestion for the mind, allows you to break down and absorb your learnings in manageable chunks. This space for reflection allows you to integrate the insights and tools gained in therapy, ensuring lasting positive change. 

  • Those seeking ongoing support: Weekly sessions offer a consistent source of empathy and guidance as you navigate life’s challenges. This can be particularly beneficial for individuals managing chronic conditions, relationship issues, or ongoing challenges related to marginalization and systemic oppression. 

  • Those who prefer a gradual pace: Weekly therapy allows us to progress at a comfortable speed, ensuring you feel fully supported and empowered throughout the process.

Ultimately, weekly therapy is a versatile approach that can benefit a wide range of individuals. The duration of weekly EMDR therapy depends on the complexity of your concerns.

Research suggests that individuals with specific issues may see significant improvement within 6-12 weekly sessions. For those navigating more complex concerns and extensive trauma histories, therapy may extend beyond 12 sessions. 


Intensive therapy offers a powerful approach for individuals seeking focused and accelerated progress. Here are some reasons why it might be ideal for you:

  • Those who thrive in focused environments: Some individuals benefit from the immersive nature of intensives. The dedicated time and structure can foster deeper focus and potentially lead to breakthroughs that might take longer in a weekly format.

  • Those with limited schedule flexibility: Intensive therapy condenses the work into a shorter period, often over several days. This can be ideal for those with busy schedules who struggle to commit to regular weekly sessions, but still want to do transformative therapy work. 

  • Those seeking a jumpstart: Intensive therapy can be a powerful way to jumpstart your therapeutic journey. By addressing core issues in a concentrated way, you can gain momentum and clarity to continue progress with ongoing therapy or through other supports (group therapy, psychedelic therapy, connection with nature, self-care, spiritual practices, meditation, journaling, and more). 

  • Individuals dealing with a recent trauma: If you’ve experienced a recent traumatic event, such as an accident, assault, or the loss of a loved one, EMDR intensives can offer crucial, time-sensitive support. The concentrated approach allows you to address overwhelming emotions and begin processing the experience quickly, potentially reducing the risk of developing long-term emotional distress.

  • Individuals going through a significant change:  Perhaps you’re facing a major life transition, like a divorce, career change, or illness. These events can activate past unresolved issues or exacerbate existing emotional struggles. EMDR intensives can provide the concentrated support needed to navigate this critical point by addressing any underlying emotional baggage that might be hindering your ability to cope, live, and thrive.

Overall, EMDR intensives can be a powerful format for deep and accelerated healing work.

person of color, emdr therapy, colorado

It’s important to acknowledge that for individuals with intricate or multifaceted concerns, EMDR intensives, while highly effective, may not necessarily achieve complete resolution of all presenting issues. In such cases, additional weekly sessions may be recommended to comprehensively address all aspects of the challenges. 

During a consultation, you and your therapist can discuss which format aligns better with your needs: weekly therapy or intensive therapy.


While the upfront cost of EMDR intensives might seem higher compared to weekly sessions, it can be a cost-effective option in the long run. Here’s why:

  • Reduced overall treatment time: Intensives offer a concentrated approach, potentially leading to faster progress and fewer total sessions needed compared to traditional weekly therapy. This translates to a potential decrease in overall treatment costs.

  • Increased efficiency: Dedicating multiple sessions in a shorter time frame allows for deeper focus and can minimize the time spent on introductions and recaps typically needed in weekly sessions. This maximizes the therapeutic benefit within each session.

Ready to explore if EMDR therapy, weekly or intensive, is right for you?



Therapy services are available virtually, for adults located in Colorado. 

About the Author

I’m Liz Zhou, a holistic trauma therapist (MA, LPCC, she/her). My work integrates teachings from psychology, neurobiology, multicultural awareness, and spirituality. I provide compassionate therapy for highly sensitive people across Colorado.


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