Ketamine Therapy Intensives in Denver, Colorado


Rewire your brain. Reconnect with yourself.

Accelerate your healing through psychedelic therapy.

What is ketamine?

Ketamine is a dissociative anesthetic that was approved by the FDA in 1970. It’s used as a safe, legal, and consciousness-shifting medicine in therapeutic contexts.

Ketamine has shown efficacy in treating various mental health conditions, including treatment-resistant depression, anxiety, and PTSD. 

What is ketamine therapy?

Ketamine-assisted psychotherapy (KAP) is the intentional combination of ketamine and psychotherapy. It’s an introspective & holistic experience that tends to accelerate therapeutic progress.

Ketamine therapy with me is not a cold, sterile process in a stuffy clinical setting. Instead, it’s a highly personalized & intentional experience that weaves together the best of modern therapy, neuroscience, and spirituality.

You’ll experience the gentle, mind-opening, and healing effects of the ketamine medicine, as I guide you through brain-body therapies like IFS and EMDR.

In this non-ordinary state of consciousness, you’ll find that it’s easier to access deep places in yourself, and heal old wounds, in ways that talk therapy alone cannot touch.

You go deeper, faster and feel better, sooner.

What does ketamine therapy feel like?

Ketamine causes a temporary sense of detachment from the body & surroundings.

It can be liberating to experience yourself as the observer of your thoughts, perceptions, and emotions — rather than being consumed by them.

The ketamine state of “conscious dissociation” allows for:

aha! moments — from an expansive, bird’s-eye view

deep emotional processing (feel it to heal it)

space to be with grief, sadness, anger, and other inner parts

a sense of peace & relaxation in the nervous system

letting go of old stories & stuck energy from the body

Ketamine therapy intensives may be a fit for you if….

  • you’ve tried talk therapy, but haven’t seen the progress you hoped for — so you’re exploring other, more effective treatment options

  • you’ve been struggling with depression & anxiety, and want relief ASAP — but don’t want to spend months or years in traditional therapy

  • you’re ready to go deep in your healing process because you’re painfully aware of how past traumas keep hijacking your nervous system, but thinking about it hasn’t gotten you far, and what you really want is to feel differently

  • you have parts (inner critic, perfectionist, workaholic) that keep interfering with your processing, and you’d like to experience a gentle medicine that’ll soften & calm your protective parts, so that you can truly heal

How can ketamine therapy support you?

  • Ketamine's effects on the brain can help reduce symptoms of depression, anxiety, and PTSD more rapidly than traditional treatments.

  • Many people report experiencing a wave of calm energy and a decrease in emotional & physical tension during ketamine therapy.

    The dissociative state induced by ketamine can temporarily disrupt the brain's normal patterns of activity, allowing you to feel relaxed & present, even if that's not your baseline.

  • Ketamine therapy may address the root causes of anxiety, depression, and PTSD by targeting underlying neural pathways, potentially offering a more lasting treatment than traditional methods.

    Additionally, the dissociative state induced by ketamine can allow you to process traumatic memories from a healthy distance. The material that you might not feel safe to go toward in talk therapy, becomes more accessible and "workable" in ketamine therapy.

  • Ketamine can boost neuroplasticity by temporarily blocking the NMDA receptor, which helps neurons form new connections.

    This can lead to the growth of new neural pathways, potentially improving cognitive function & mind-body health.

ketamine therapy: a gentle & holistic approach to healing mind, body, spirit

What does a ketamine therapy intensive look like?

  • 1. Free Consult

    15 MIN | ONLINE

    Wondering if ketamine intensives are right for you? Bring your questions & thoughts to our free consult.

    We'll get to know each other and confirm if we're a great fit to work together.

  • 2. Intake Session

    1 HR | ONLINE

    For our first session, I'll ask questions about your past, present, needs, goals, and overall health.

    Based on this information, we'll craft your therapy plan.

  • 3. Medical Screening

    1 HR | ONLINE

    I'll refer you to my collaborating prescriber, and you'll meet with them for a medical screening. They'll assess your medical fit for ketamine therapy.

    If you're confirmed to be a fit, they'll order a prescription for your oral ketamine medicine.

  • 4. Preparation Session

    1 HR | ONLINE

    I'll support you in preparing for your ketamine experience. We'll explore important themes & intentions in your life, and discuss ways to weave this into your ketamine journey.

    I'll answer any questions and address any concerns you may have. (FYI — it's normal to have pre-journey jitters!)

  • 5. Ketamine Session

    3 HRS | DENVER, CO

    We'll meet in my soothing Denver office. I'll guide you through an intentional journey with the medicine — weaving together ceremony, music, and holistic modalities such as IFS & EMDR.

    You'll experience the healing & heart-opening effects of ketamine. I'll be with you every step of the way, ensuring that you feel comfortable, supported, and cared for. 

  • 6. Integration Session

    1 HR | ONLINE

    Within 48-72 hours of your ketamine experience, we'll meet for an integration session. I'll support you in processing the experience, exploring any emotions, images, memories, or sensations that came up for you.

    This integration phase is extremely important — it's where you get to transform insights into lasting change.


  • From start to finish, your ketamine intensive will unfold across 2-3 weeks.

    This is because:

    • After your medical screening, it may take several days for your ketamine prescription to arrive.

    • Each session (intake, medical screening, preparation, ketamine journey, and integration) will be scheduled at least a couple days apart, to allow time for processing.

  • The cost of our intensive work together is $1,650. This includes:

    • Intake Session: $225

    • Preparation Session: $225

    • Ketamine Session: $975

    • Integration Session: $225

    • Written summary of key themes, insights, & integration steps (sent via email within 48 hours of your Integration Session)

    The cost of working with your prescriber ranges from $400-600.

    • Medical Screening with prescriber: $350-450 

    • Ketamine Prescription: $50-150

    Payment & scheduling with your prescriber occurs separately from our therapy work together.

  • The value of 1 ketamine therapy intensive is equivalent to multiple weeks/months of traditional therapy. 

    This is because the combined effect of ketamine and brain-body therapies like IFS and EMDR tend to accelerate the healing process. By doing more therapy work in less time, you feel better, sooner.

    Additionally, the increased neuroplasticity in your brain after a ketamine session lends itself to increased creativity, clarity, self-connection, and positive habit-building.

  • The total duration of treatment depends on your goals & progress.

    At minimum, we'll work together in 1 intensive, consisting of: intake session, medical screening, preparation session, ketamine session, and integration session. 

    Some clients reach their goals after 1 intensive.

    Others benefit from a series of 2-6 intensives, repeating the sequence of: prep session, ketamine session, and integration session. As you continue with ketamine treatments, you'll also schedule monthly medical follow-ups with your prescriber.

    We'll discuss each step together to ensure that your needs & goals are being met. I collaborate closely with your medical prescriber to ensure comprehensive care.

Is ketamine-assisted psychotherapy right for you?

We’re a great fit to work together if…

  • you’re open to new experiences, and wanting to explore your consciousness in a safe & intentional way

  • you’re ready to heal mind, body, and spirit — and are looking for a therapist who speaks the language that others might consider “woo-woo”

  • you’re willing to put in the work of preparation & integration to get the most out of your medicine experience

We may not be a great fit if…

  • you’re looking for a “magic pill” that will make all your problems go away — but you’re not willing to do any preparation & integration work

  • your only goal is to have a big, shiny, psychedelic trip — and you don’t see the value of more subtle & gentle experiences

  • you’re only interested in taking ketamine, but don’t want to participate in therapy


  • Ketamine-assisted psychotherapy (KAP) is the intentional combination of ketamine and psychotherapy.

    By integrating brain-body therapies (EMDR & IFS) with the neuroplastic potential of psychedelic medicines, KAP tends to accelerate therapeutic progress.

  • The cost of our intensive work together is $1,650. This includes:

    • Intake Session: $225

    • Preparation Session: $225

    • Ketamine Session: $975

    • Integration Session: $225

    • Written summary of key themes, insights, & integration steps (sent via email within 48 hours of your Integration Session)

    The cost of working with your prescriber ranges from $400-600.

    • Medical Screening with prescriber: $350-450 

    • Ketamine Prescription: $50-150

    Payment & scheduling with your prescriber occurs separately from our therapy work together.

  • Ketamine therapy may be a fit for you if:

    • You want to accelerate your healing process in a short period of time.

    • You’re going to weekly therapy, and things have come up (past traumas) that your current therapist does not specialize in. You’d like to do some adjunct, intensive therapy to address these issues.

    • You've tried traditional treatments (talk therapy, medication, self-care), but it only got you so far. You're looking for something that will get to the root of your anxiety, depression, or trauma.

    Please note that in order to receive a prescription for ketamine, a diagnosis is required as part of your medical screening. Common diagnoses include: Major Depressive Disorder, Generalized Anxiety Disorder, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, and Adjustment Disorder.

  • There are some contradictions to ketamine therapy, and it's not for everyone. Before participating, you will be carefully interviewed to determine if you are a good candidate for ketamine treatment.

    You are not eligible if you:

    • are pregnant or nursing

    • are currently in a manic episode

    • have a primary psychotic or dissociative disorder

    • have a previously demonstrated allergy to ketamine

    • have untreated or uncontrolled hypertension

    Some medical and psychiatric conditions need to be treated before you can safely take ketamine. These conditions include hallucinations, untreated mania, unstable angina (chest pain/heart disease), uncontrolled hyperthyroidism, increased intracranial pressure, or evidence of liver disease. 

    An EKG may be required for those with a history of arrhythmia or a history of cardiovascular issues. 

    Those with a history of cystitis or other bladder issues may need to be cleared by urological consultation, due to the rare but potentially significant adverse effect of cystitis.

  • Each experience is unique, depending on your intentions, dosage, and the set & setting.

    In general, though, ketamine causes a temporary sense of detachment from the body & surroundings, or a sense of "conscious dissociation" (being aware that you are dissociating, or witnessing yourself from an outside perspective). This non-ordinary state of consciousness disrupts habitual brain patterns, allowing for deep relaxation, insights, and softening of defenses.

    The most noticeable effects last 1-2 hours.

  • During our ketamine therapy sessions, you will consume the ketamine orally, via a lozenge that you dissolve under your tongue for 15 minutes and then spit out.

  • Ketamine has an extensive record of safety. It is classified as a Schedule III controlled substance, indicating a lower potential for abuse compared to other drugs.

    As a result of thorough medical screenings, education on responsible use, and limited access to the medication, ketamine therapy clients are less likely to experience adverse affects, and more likely to experience therapeutic benefits.

    For your safety, you should not drive or operate heavy machinery for at least 12 hours after a ketamine therapy session. 

  • If your insurance plan has out-of-network benefits, your prescriber and I can provide you with superbills (detailed invoices). You can then submit the superbills directly to your insurance company for potential reimbursement of session fees.

    I recommend calling your insurance company to learn details about your specific plan. Ask what benefits are available regarding out-of-network providers.

  • Intensives allow for accelerated progress and deeper healing. This may save time and money on continuous treatment across time. Ultimately, intensives are an investment in your health and wellbeing.

  • At high doses, ketamine can feel psychedelic — inducing a highly altered state of consciousness, with profound shifts in perceptions, thought patterns, emotions, senses, and relationship to time & space. The psychedelic state of consciousness can temporarily distance you from the present-moment environment, as you deeply explore your inner world.

    At lower doses, ketamine can feel psycholytic — inducing a subtly altered state of consciousness, in which you have more control over the direction of the journey, and you're aware of the present-moment environment.

    During your ketamine session, you may have a psycholytic OR psychedelic experience — depending on dosage, your intentions, and the set & setting (which we'll co-create together). We'll thoroughly discuss beforehand what to expect and how to navigate these different types of experience.

  • I work with adults (18+) in Colorado. If you’ve been wanting to explore yourself and address the roots of pain & trauma, I am here to support you. Many of my clients identify as neurodivergent, highly sensitive, and/or people of color.

  • I'm warm & down-to-earth, and I love connecting with people like you!

    As a holistic therapist, I take care to get to know all parts of you — your mental health, emotions, physical health, relationships, identities, spirituality, & culture — so that we can address the whole picture. I bring a sense of humor (when appropriate!) because I believe that therapy doesn’t have to be stuffy and serious all the time.

    As a psychedelic therapist, I draw on my experiences as a Shipibo shaman's translator and plant medicine ceremony facilitator in the Peruvian Amazon, as well as extensive training within the ketamine therapy field. You can read more about my background & approach on my About Me page.

  • After 1 intensive, we can absolutely continue working together. You may choose to: 

    • participate in ongoing therapy

    • participate in a series of 2-6 ketamine intensives, repeating the sequence of: prep session, ketamine session, and integration session (plus monthly medical follow-ups with your prescriber)

    • participate in “booster sessions” with the ketamine as needed, to maintain your progress across the next months/years

    Continued ketamine treatment will always occur under the instructions of your medical team, and at clinically recommended intervals.

  • The first step is to schedule a free 15-min consult. We’ll see how we connect and confirm if we’re a great fit to work together.

    Click HERE to schedule your free consult.


Through ketamine therapy…

You can feel less weighed down by the past, more calm & connected to yourself, and deeply refreshed in your nervous system.