Psychedelic Integration Therapy online in Colorado

A space to prepare & process your psychedelic medicine experiences.

Skillful & compassionate support on your healing journey.

Whether you’re a newcomer to psychedelic medicines or a seasoned journeyer, you know that psychedelics can evoke powerful experiences.

They can also be deeply confusing. All the thoughts, images, feelings, and sensations that pass through your altered state of consciousness can be a lot to wade through.

And then, once the medicine effects have faded, there’s the existential question: What now?

It can be disorienting to land — or crash — back into reality. Trying to bridge consciousness-altering experiences with daily life is like deciphering an alien language. You wonder, how do I make sense of an experience that I can’t even describe with words?

Psychedelics and plant medicines can be transformative — for individual and collective healing, self-reflection, spiritual exploration, creativity, mind-body health, and more.

But maybe your psychedelic experience wasn’t what you expected. Instead of the clarity you were hoping for, you’re left with more questions than answers. Perhaps a challenging trip from your past continues to linger, unresolved and impacting your present.

These are all common experiences — and you don’t have to navigate them alone. 

No matter where you are in your exploration — from Googling “should I try psilocybin for depression?” to building relationships with plant medicine communities — psychedelic integration therapy can be a valuable guide

A safe space to prepare and process your experiences can make the difference between a “bad trip” and an insightful journey.

FREE GUIDE: How to Prepare & Integrate Your Psychedelic Experience

Curious about healing through psychedelic medicines… but not sure where to start? This 14-page guide will teach you: key terms in psychedelic therapy (psilocybin, ketamine), how to set intentions, do’s + don’ts for the hours afterward, a mindful journeying practice… and more.

Written for beginners & psychedelic-curious people.

A psychedelic experience can change your life.

Get expert support to prepare & process your journey.


What does psychedelic integration therapy look like?

I’ll empower you with knowledge and support every step of the way.

  • If you’re curious about psychedelics and wondering how they might benefit you, I’ll guide you through the education phase. I offer clear and comprehensive information on:

    • the emotional, cognitive, somatic, and spiritual effects of psychedelic medicines (including psilocybin, cannabis, ketamine, LSD, MDMA, DMT, 5-Meo-DMT, ayahuasca, San Pedro, peyote, iboga)

    • how to access medicines in areas where they are legal

    • where to find providers, practitioners, and healing spaces that fit your needs

    • factors to consider when planning a psychedelic experience (timing, location, finances, solo vs. group experience, personal goals and intentions, ceremonial vs. clinical contexts)

    My goal is to help you make an informed decision.

    I do not provide medical or legal advice.

  • In the days and weeks before your psychedelic journey, we will:

    • process emotions that are coming up for you

    • set meaningful intentions for your journey

    • explore mind-body practices to support your navigation through altered states of consciousness

    • ensure an optimal set & setting (internal state & external environment) so that you can dive fully into the experience

    • design an aftercare plan for the hours and days after your journey

  • In the days and weeks after your psychedelic journey, we will:

    • process the thoughts, memories, images, sensations, and emotions that came up for you

    • reflect on new information you have learned about yourself, and use it to guide the next chapter of healing and growth

    • make nuanced meaning of your experience in whatever way makes sense for you, incorporating your worldviews and belief systems into the integration process

    • apply insights gained from the medicine to your everyday life

    Whether your psychedelic experiences are subtle or profound, challenging or awe-inspiring, there is opportunity here to transform insights into lasting, meaningful change.

Receive skillful & compassionate guidance. Prepare and process your experiences with…









lucid dreaming

dark room retreats


altered states of consciousness


Bufo Alvarius



San Pedro



plant medicine dietas

Before and after your psychedelic journey, the right support is essential.

Just like any expedition — wouldn’t you want to pack the right tools? Our therapy sessions will equip you with a compass and map that truly work for you.

BEFORE: I act as your pre-flight prep team, ensuring you have the knowledge and support for a safe and meaningful journey.

AFTER: I’ll help you navigate the first steps back on solid ground. It’s like debarking a plane and adjusting to the new atmosphere.

We’ll unpack the insights you bring back and integrate new perspectives into your daily life, ensuring a lasting positive impact.


  • This therapy is for you if:

    • You’re considering a psychedelic experience but not sure where to begin.

    • You’re planning a psychedelic experience and need support. (Pre-journey nerves are normal, by the way!)

    • You’ve had a psychedelic experience (recently or years ago) that you need help processing.

    As a specialist in psychedelic integration, I provide a supportive space to plan, prepare, and process your journey(s). I’ll help you build a safe and meaningful relationship with psychedelic medicines, maximizing the benefits and minimizing overwhelm.

  • Trauma-informed psychedelic integration therapy recognizes that past & ongoing traumatic experiences can significantly impact how someone approaches and integrates a psychedelic journey.

    I incorporate a holistic understanding of trauma, acknowledging emotional, physical, and spiritual aspects. Sessions unfold at your pace, attuned to your needs & processing style. We’ll work together to enhance the therapeutic benefits of your psychedelic experience and the subsequent integration process.

  • No, there will be no consumption of psychedelic medicines during our sessions. I do not provide direct access to medicines.

    Instead, our sessions will focus on pre-journey preparation and post-journey integration.

    During the preparation phase, I’ll provide you with resources and referrals to trusted practitioners in the area. You may choose to have direct interaction with psychedelic medicines outside of our sessions, under the guidance of other practitioners.

  • While there’s no guaranteed way to avoid a challenging or unpleasant psychedelic experience, we can reduce the likelihood by focusing on set and setting. “Set” refers to your mindset and intentions going into the journey. “Setting” refers to the physical and social environment. By curating an intentional set & setting, we can set you up for an insightful psychedelic exploration.

    Remember that a challenging trip isn’t necessarily “bad.” Difficult emotions, sensations, or memories surfacing can be a part of the healing process, letting you know what parts of your past & present still need attention. An unexpected trip can unearth valuable information about yourself. It’s what you do with that information that matters most. (That’s why post-journey integration sessions are so important.)

    To learn more about set & setting for psychedelic therapy, check out this blog post.

  • While psychedelic journeys can be incredibly insightful, sometimes they can take an unexpected turn. If you’re struggling after a challenging experience, know that you’re not alone. The first step is to prioritize self-care in a supportive environment. This might involve grounding techniques like deep breathing, taking a shower, moving your body, spending time in nature, or connecting trusted loved ones.

    Next, we can explore your experience in therapy. It’s important to note that a challenging trip isn’t necessarily “bad.” Sometimes, these experiences can surface important emotions or memories that need to be addressed for healing. I’ll be here to guide you through the challenging parts and help you integrate the insights they offer. This process can be transformative, allowing you to move forward with more self-compassion and understanding.

  • I have personal and professional experience with a range of psychedelics, which I refer to as medicines or entheogens.

    • ayahuasca ceremonies with the Shipibo tribe of Peru

    • yagé ceremonies in Colombia

    • Huachuma (San Pedro) ceremonies in Ecuador

    • 5-Meo-DMT, also known as Bufo Alvarius or the “God Molecule”

    • LSD

    • DMT

    • MDMA

    • tepezcohuite ceremonies in Mexico

    • ketamine

    • psilocybin or “magic mushrooms,” through modern therapeutic retreats in the Netherlands and traditional Mazatec ceremonies in Mexico

    • iboga ceremonies with the Bwiti tribe of Gabon

    • cannabis in ceremonial contexts

    Prior to becoming a therapist, I worked as a Shipibo shaman’s translator and ayahuasca ceremony facilitator in the Peruvian Amazon.

    I served as a psychedelic harm reduction volunteer at music festivals.

    I attended conferences on entheogenic medicines, including the World Ayahuasca Conference in Spain and the World Bufo Alvarius Conference in Mexico.

    Finally, I worked as a guide and integration coach for individuals undergoing ketamine telehealth treatment.

  • I draw from a range of perspectives, including spirituality, shamanism, transpersonal psychology, multicultural awareness, neuroscience, and clinical psychology. I do not aim to impose any perspectives on you. Rather, I invite you to use whatever frameworks resonate with you.

    In our sessions, we might process together verbally, or through creative modalities such as art, mindfulness, and somatic practices.

    To learn more about my approach, check out these blog posts:

    6 Ways to Integrate Your Psychedelic Experience

    How to Use Mindfulness to Navigate Your Psychedelic Experience

  • EMDR therapy — a comprehensive treatment that heals the brain & body — can be a powerful support for your psychedelic exploration.

    Before your journey, we can use EMDR resourcing practices to build healthy coping mechanisms and regulate your nervous system. You’ll go into the experience feeling open, present, and grounded.

    After your journey, we can use EMDR to integrate your experience. This might involve installing valuable insights through self-tapping, or processing memories and emotions that surfaced and need further attention.

    Click HERE to learn more about EMDR therapy.

  • IFS stands for Internal Family Systems. This therapy focuses on your inner world, providing a powerful framework for psychedelic work. IFS views your mind-body as a system of different parts — each with its own role, age, history, needs, voice, and perspective.

    We’ll explore the different parts of yourself that may arise before, during, and after the journey. This can help you understand and integrate conflicting emotions or perspectives, leading to a more harmonious sense of Self. IFS aims to create compassion and understanding between your inner parts.

    Through IFS sessions, you’ll be able to navigate your psychedelic experiences with less resistance and more curiosity.

  • The number of sessions will depend on your needs & goals. I offer two approaches:

    • Ongoing weekly therapy: We can weave discussions about your psychedelic experiences into your overall healing process. We’ll meet regularly and work toward various therapy goals. This is a great option if you’re seeking consistent support & long-term transformation.

    • Specialized short-term therapy: This involves a focused set of sessions before & after your psychedelic journey. I’ll help you prepare for the experience, as well as process and integrate it afterwards. The exact number of sessions will vary depending on your context. This is a great option if you’re only seeking support for your psychedelic experiences, and don’t want/need comprehensive therapy work at this time.

    During your free 15-minute consultation, we’ll discuss the best format for your needs.

  • The first step is to schedule a free 15-min consult. We’ll get to know each other and confirm if we’re a great fit to work together.

    Click HERE to schedule your free consult.

From shamanic ceremonies to modern psychedelic retreats…

profound journeys need personalized support.

Explore psychedelic integration therapy.

Want to learn more about psychedelic medicines?