Neurodiversity-Affirming Therapy online in Colorado


A space where all parts of you are welcome, exactly as you are.

Connect with your authentic, unmasked Self.

Do you relate to this?

You’ve always felt a bit different from others…

but couldn’t put your finger on why.

  • You feel lonely, even when you’re surrounded by other people. It seems like you’re speaking a totally different language than everyone else.

  • You’ve been memorizing scripts for social interactions for as long as you can remember. It helps you get through the day without receiving weird stares.

  • You experience overwhelming reactions to stimuli like sounds, lights, and textures… making daily life a sensory nightmare.

  • Planning, organization, time management, and initiating or completing tasks… anything that requires executive functioning skills is an uphill battle, between you and your brain.

  • You feel pressure to hide your true self, because those few moments when you’ve let the mask drop, people’s negative reactions were too much to handle. (At this point, if you could become completely invisible, you honestly wouldn’t mind.)

  • You end up masking so much that you barely know who you are anymore. The phrase “just be yourself!” is incredibly confusing for you.

  • You question your abilities and worth… all. the. time. You hate the way you talk to yourself, and yet you’ve never known any other way.

  • You wonder where everyone else got the manual on “How to Human”… because you certainly missed out on that, and there’s got to be a reason why you feel so awkward and out of place all the time.

  • You’ve been hearing about neurodivergence (autism, ADHD, highly sensitive people)… and the more you learn about it, the more the dots are connecting. Your life is starting to make a WHOLE lot more sense, in a totally new light… and it’s exciting, validating, scary, and confusing all at the same time.

To my fellow neurodivergent human…

I’m so glad you’re here.

This space is for you if…

  • you identify as neurodivergent (Autistic, ADHD, AuDHD, Highly Sensitive Person, 2e, gifted, dyslexic, and more)

  • you wonder if you’re neurodivergent, and want to process this with the support of a neurodivergent therapist

  • you’re curious about neurodiversity, but don’t identify with any labels

*From a neurodiversity-affirming perspective: formal diagnosis, self-diagnosis, AND self-identification within the neurodivergent community are all valid. You are welcome here!

Therapy for Neurodivergent Adults in Colorado

  • woman on phone, representing neurodivergent adult with ADHD


    • Work with the wiring of your brain, attention patterns, and interest-based nervous system

    • Learn to resource yourself amid emotional intensity, sensitivity to rejection, and sensitivity to injustice

    • Explore strategies to improve executive functioning skills and find your flow in daily life — from a strengths-based & affirming perspective

  • adult, BIPOC, sitting at desk and laughing with headphones on


    • Recover from anxiety & burnout caused by constant masking in a neurotypical world

    • Connect with your authentic Self

    • Unlearn narratives of shame & internalized ableism

    • Explore ways to unmask, follow your joy, and soothe your senses

    • Work with the strengths & challenges of your brilliant, complex, and nuanced nervous system.

  • woman laughing

    Highly Sensitive

    • Befriend your nervous system through sensory-soothing practices

    • Heal from distress caused by social judgment (“you’re too sensitive!”) & the tendency to absorb other people’s emotions

    • Learn to feel at ease in your own skin, while navigating the deep processing & subtle sensing of your mind-body system

What is neurodiversity-affirming therapy like?

  • I’m not your typical “blank-slate” therapist. You can expect me to show up as my full, authentic self — unfiltered facial expressions, spontaneous sense of humor, and all.

    I’m also a neurodivergent (highly sensitive, autistic) person, with a LOT of empathy and curiosity that I’ll be sharing with you.

    We’ll take the time to truly connect & get to know each other — on your terms & at your pace.

  • Therapy is personalized to you — there’s no cookie-cutter approach here.

    Our sessions can be as structured or open-ended as you wish, and we can focus on whatever topics are important to you — the past, the present, your special interests, your values & worldviews, and more.

    We might talk a lot, processing verbally — or we might process through movement, art, music, or writing. I’ll check in regularly to make sure the process is matching your pace & style.

  • Being neurodivergent is not just a psychological experience — it’s extremely physical & sensory!

    From sights & sounds to touch & movement, sensory experiences can leave a profound impact on our brains & bodies — in a pleasant, neutral, or unpleasant way.

    Our therapy sessions will pay attention to your sensory needs, offering accommodations & strategies so that you can feel present & comfortable in your own skin.

How will we work together?

  • Weekly therapy provides a steady and consistent approach to healing. We’ll meet for 50-minute sessions at the same time every week.

  • Intensives are an accelerated approach to healing, condensing the work into a shorter timeframe. Sessions are 3 hours long, and we meet infrequently — one time only, once a month, once a quarter, etc.

    Due to the focused nature of intensives & extended time for processing, an intensive session is equivalent to multiple weekly sessions.

Working with a neurodivergent, affirming, & trauma-sensitive therapist…

You can feel less weighed down by the past

and more grounded, confident, and at peace with yourself.


  • Neurodiversity-affirming therapy is a therapeutic approach specifically designed for neurodivergent individuals.

     It goes beyond traditional therapy methods by embracing and validating all neurotypes, such as autism, ADHD, high sensitivity, giftedness, dyslexia, sensory processing differences, and more.

     This approach is grounded in the principles of disability justice and cultural sensitivity, recognizing that neurodivergence is not a deficit but a natural variation in human cognition.

  • Autism is a neurotype, or brain-body system, that diverges from “typical” norms of communication, information-processing, social behavior, and sensory experiences.

    According to Embrace Autism (an online source of high-quality information on autism, founded by autistic researchers Dr. Natalie Engelbrecht and Eva Silvertant), autism is: “a neurodevelopmental difference characterized by alterations in social functioning, hypersensitivity to stimuli, repetitive behaviors, and deep interests—often combined with advanced cognitive & perceptive abilities.”

  • ADHD is a neurotype, or brain-body system, that diverges from “typical” norms of communication, information-processing, social behavior, and sensory experiences. ADHD is also referred to as VAST: “variable attention stimulus trait,” highlighting the neutral & positive features of this neurotype.

    ADHD is characterized by: novelty-seeking behavior, fluctuating attention span, tendency toward verbal processing, interest-based nervous system (high capacity to focus on topics of interest/passion, and troubles focusing outside of areas of interest), difficulty regulating emotions & impulses, sensitivity to rejection, and sensitivity to injustice. Many ADHDers struggle with executive functioning, such as time management, organization, and planning. 

  • HSP is a term coined by psychologist Elaine Aron. The HSP neurotype includes the following traits, under the acronym DOES:

    Depth of Processing: You tend to think deeply. You have a rich and complex inner world.

    Overstimulation: You tend to get overwhelmed by loud noises, bright lights, and crowded spaces. You startle easily. You have a strong need for quiet and solitude.

    Emotional Responsiveness & Empathy: You experience emotions intensely — grief, joy, despair, awe, and the list goes on. You easily pick up on other people’s moods. You feel deep empathy and compassion for others, often feeling their pain as your own.

    Sensing the Subtle: You pick up on subtle details that others miss, such as emotional nuances of a conversation, changes in lighting and temperature, and shifts in people’s energy. You have a keen eye for observation.

  • No, I do not provide evaluations for autism or ADHD, as this is not within my training or scope of practice.

    I fully support you if you choose to pursue a formal evaluation/diagnosis. If you wish, I can provide referrals to neurodiversity-affirming practitioners.

    And if you do not choose this path, know that I fully support your decision as well! There is no right or wrong choice here — only what feels right for you. If you’re unsure, I can help you explore the pros & cons of each decision. 

  • Yes! I specialize in trauma work with neurodivergent adults. There is a strong link between neurodivergence and PTSD/complex trauma, due to the challenges of navigating a world that was built mostly for neurotypical people (able-bodied & able/willing to comply with rigid standards of productivity and social norms).

    I use brain-body modalities like IFS & EMDR to facilitate healing in your nervous system — in a way that is sensitively attuned to your needs & processing style. 

    Many clients find that being able to unmask & process in the presence of a neurodivergent therapist is a major catalyst in their healing process. 

  • I work with neurodivergent adults (Autistic, ADHD, Highly Sensitive).

    I also work with neurodiverse couples, or relationships with mixed neurotypes (autistic & ADHD, autistic & allistic, ADHD & neurotypical, etc.).

  • Neurodiversity-affirming therapy is designed for neurodivergent people, by neurodivergent people. It’s catered to each individual’s needs, and challenges the assumptions present in many talk therapy spaces (i.e., that therapy needs to look a certain way; that clients need to talk the whole time). 

    Unfortunately, many mainstream mental health practitioners still hold outdated & harmful beliefs about neurodivergence, viewing autism & ADHD as disorders that need to be cured. Some therapeutic approaches attempt to make neurodivergent individuals conform to neurotypical norms, by encouraging them to mask or suppress their natural traits. This approach is detrimental to the neurodivergent community, as studies have shown that forcing individuals to hide or change their authentic selves has a significant negative impact on their mental & physical health.

    Neurodiversity-affirming practitioners view each neurotype as a valuable expression of human diversity. We acknowledge that each neurotype has strengths & challenges, and that the “typical” way is not the only way. 

  • It depends on your preferences & processing style. Here's an overview:

    Weekly therapy:

    • steady & consistent progress across multiple weeks/months

    • ideal if: you're looking for ongoing support; you thrive on routine & structure

    Intensive therapy:

    • accelerated & focused work

    • significant progress in a short time period

    • quicker results & concentrated healing

    • ideal if: you're too busy to commit to weekly therapy, but want to feel better soon; you prefer a hyperfocused space for processing, since 50-minute sessions are too short for you

    During your free consultation, we’ll discuss what format of therapy would work best for you.

    We can also explore a hybrid option, combining weekly sessions with occasional intensives.

  • The first step is to schedule a free 15-min consult. We’ll get to know each other and confirm if we’re a great fit to work together.

    I’m excited to connect with you!

    Click HERE to schedule your free consult.