IFS Therapy online in Colorado


Transform your relationship with yourself. Get to know — and love — all parts of you.

Are you tired of feeling lost & disconnected from yourself?

Like you’re going through the motions… but wearing a mask the whole time?

Maybe you experience…

  • a critical inner voice constantly putting you down

  • paralyzing indecision, like your head and heart can’t agree

  • a persistent low-grade anger simmering beneath the surface

  • grief that feels trapped and unable to flow

  • a deep yearning for something you can’t put your finger on

  • isolation and loneliness, despite wanting connection

  • the feeling that something just isn’t right, but you can’t pinpoint why

In IFS therapy, we’ll explore your experiences through the perspective of parts.

Consider this: conflicting urges come from different parts of you, each with its own story, age, and perspective. Parts may sound like different voices in your brain, or they may feel like sensations in your body. They can show up as images, memories, and flashes of energy. They can manifest as behaviors, emotions, and thoughts.

In IFS therapy, we see your parts not as problems, but as valuable members of your inner ecosystem.

Just like a forest needs different types of trees, plants and creatures, you have diverse parts that contribute to your overall health. IFS helps ensure that all parts work in harmony.

You’ll learn to listen to your parts, figure out where they come from and what job they’re trying to do, and teach them to collaborate with you.

Parts that hold pain and grief will have the opportunity to heal.

I’ll be here every step of the way, as your compassionate and steady guide.

IFS therapy can transform your relationship with yourself — helping you heal old wounds and build a more confident & connected Self.

Go from…

overwhelmed by conflicting emotions

stuck in unhealthy patterns 

disconnected from your true self

feeling isolated and misunderstood

building walls around your heart


feeling a sense of calm and clarity

empowered to make choices that align with your values

trusting your intuition

building relationships where you feel safe to unmask & be yourself

Experience healing from the inside out.


Change your brain.

Change your life.

Our brains are like neuroplastic putty, constantly forming new connections. When we work with different parts in IFS, we’re creating new neural pathways — essentially rewiring your brain toward a more harmonious and compassionate state of being.

Our IFS sessions are a creative and flowing exploration. I’ll help you navigate your inner world — listening to each part with curiosity, getting to know their role, story, and needs. It’ll feel like finally understanding a hidden language within yourself.

I can’t wait to be your guide on this transformative journey.












insightful • somatic • spiritual • gentle • transformational • soulful • shamanic • ancestral • enlightening • psychedelic •

How will we work together?

There is flexibility in the way we do IFS — because therapy doesn’t have to look the same for everyone. We’ll tailor the approach to fit your needs and processing style.

  • Weekly IFS therapy provides a steady and consistent approach to healing. We’ll meet for 50-minute sessions every week, for 3+ months.

    Weekly therapy is a great option if you enjoy ongoing support and consistent check-ins. This approach leads to transformative healing and a deeper understanding of yourself over time.

  • Intensive IFS therapy is an accelerated approach to healing, condensing the work into a shorter timeframe. We’ll meet for 3-hour sessions on an infrequent basis (one-time only, once a month, once a quarter, etc).

    Due to the focused & extended time for processing, 1 intensive session is equivalent to multiple weekly sessions.

    This approach is beneficial if you’re seeking faster relief from stress, trauma, anxiety, and burnout.


  • IFS therapy can address a wide range of issues, including anxiety, depression, trauma, and relationship challenges.

    Beyond specific issues, IFS is a powerful framework for self-exploration and spiritual growth. It allows you to gain a deeper understanding of your inner world and develop a more compassionate relationship with yourself as a whole.

  • IFS therapy sessions feel collaborative and meaningful. I’ll help you explore your inner world, noticing different parts of yourself that may be showing up as emotions, sensations, thoughts, or behaviors.

    I’ll guide you to connect with these parts with curiosity and compassion, rather than judgment. This helps you understand their underlying needs and intentions. Over time, you can learn to collaborate with these parts and access your core, balance Self.

    After an IFS session, you may feel a sense of gratitude, relief, connection, calm, or clarity.

  • The science behind IFS is still developing, but research shows promise for its effectiveness.

    • Brain imaging studies suggest that IFS can reduce activity in the amygdala (fear center) and increase activity in the prefrontal cortex (involved in planning, decision-making, and impulse control). This may explain why IFS helps people feel calmer and more in control.

    • IFS taps into the brain’s ability to rewire itself, called neuroplasticity. When we experience trauma, our brain forms protective patterns to cope. IFS helps us access these patterns, stored as “parts” in our internal system. Through compassionate communication with these parts, we can reprocess the trauma memory. This process, called memory reconsolidation, allows us to weaken negative emotional connections and strengthen positive neural pathways.

  • Our sessions take place online, through a secure video-conferencing platform.

    This allows you to experience IFS therapy from the comfort and privacy of your home, decreasing commute times and scheduling conflicts.

  • The number of IFS sessions you’ll need is unique to your situation. Some people find relief from specific concerns within 6-12 weekly sessions. Others stay on longer, using therapy as a consistent space for healing and introspection.

    If a faster pace aligns with your preferences, we can explore intensive therapy options, where we condense the work into a shorter timeframe. Click HERE to learn more about intensives.

    It’s important to find a pace that feels comfortable and allows you to fully integrate the positive changes from IFS therapy. To get a more specific idea of your potential timeframe, I encourage you to schedule a free consultation, where we can discuss your needs and goals.

  • Deciding between weekly and intensive IFS therapy depends on your needs and preferences. Here’s an overview of each approach.

    Weekly IFS therapy:

    • gradual & consistent work

    • steady progress across multiple weeks/months

    • ideal for: those who seek ongoing support, thrive on routine, or enjoy a gradual pace

    Intensive IFS therapy:

    • accelerated & focused work

    • significant progress in a short time period (multiple hours across 1-2 days)

    • quicker results & concentrated healing

    • ideal for: those with busy schedules who cannot commit to weekly therapy, but want to feel better soon; or those seeking to jumpstart their healing process

    During your free consultation, we’ll discuss what format of IFS is the best fit for you.

    We can also explore a hybrid option, combining weekly sessions with occasional intensive sessions.

  • The first step is to schedule a free 15-min consult. We’ll get to know each other and confirm if we’re a great fit to work together.

    Click HERE to schedule your free consult.


I provide online therapy for adults in Colorado. Sessions take place via a secure video-conferencing platform, allowing you the flexibility of attending therapy from your home or other private space.

Get to know the gift of your authentic Self.

Experience Internal Family Systems therapy.